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A member registered Oct 28, 2017

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Martin asked my character to go to the theater with her but the Romance and Dramatic options don't spawn her and so the character is trapped, if you select Comedy she spawns properly but after the king dies you are talking to Surge and next time you talk to Martin she asks you out to the theater again.


I just played through the available content and acidentally went back to the main menu instead of exiting to desktop so I was forced to start a new save to get back to the menu but once in game it spawed me outside the world for several seconds with the ability to move ever so slightly before I popped back into the testing area with all my upgrades purchased from the previous game only my character was still at level one.

SlimeRPG community · Created a new topic Glow in the Dark

I assumed I needed to equip the glow ability because my slime wasn't glowing in the Spyktyre room, because it was black so the glow dosen't show up.